This meter is ideal for flow measurement in many different industries, and is
particularly well suited to Oil & Gas applications such as:
- Midstream transportation of oil & gas
- Rail car & truck loading
- Allocation metering in crude oil and natural gas production
- Well servicing and completions equipment
- Refined downstream production products
Technical Specs:
- Nominal meter size: DN 10 - 300
- Features:
» DSP-technology based Coriolis flow measurement » Multivariable capability for mass flow rate, volume, density and temeperature measurement »
Accuracy over a wide flow range » No flow conditioning or straight pipe runs required
- Approval: CE (LVD 2006/95/EC), Exd (ib) IIC T4
- Basic accuracy: ±0.1%, 0.2%, 0.% of flow reading
- Output: 4-20ma, HART, Pulse, RS-485 (MODBUS-RTU)
- Media temperature range: -150 ~ 400°C
Materials of Construction:
- Sensor Tubes: 316L SS Seamless tubing
- Flow Diverter: 304 SS
- Flange: 304 SS
- Indicator: Cast Aluminum
