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Vortex Flow Meter
Applications & Limitations 

About batch control
Vortex meters are not usually recommended for batching or other intermittent flow applications. This is because the dribble flow-rate setting of the batching station can fall below the meter's minimum Reynolds number limit. The smaller the total batch, the more significant the resulting error is likely to be.

Low-pressure, low-velocity Gas Applications & Pressure Loss
Low pressure (low density) gases do not produce a strong enough pressure pulse, especially if fluid velocities are low. Therefore, it is likely that in such services the rangeability of the meter will be poor and low flows will not be measurable. On the other hand, if reduced rangeability is acceptable and the meter is correctly sized for normal flow, the vortex flowmeter can still be considered.

The permanent pressure loss through a vortex meter is about half that of an orifice plate, roughly two velocity heads. (A velocity head is defined as V2/g, where V is the flow velocity and g is the gravitational constant in consistent units.) If the pipe and meter are properly sized and of the same size, the pressure drop is likely to be only a few psi. However, downsizing (installing a smaller-than-line-size meter) in order to increase the Reynolds can increase the head loss to more than 10 psi. One should also make sure that the vena contracta pressure does not drop below the vapor pressure of the process fluid, because that would cause cavitation. Naturally, if the back-pressure on the meter is below the vapor pressure, the process fluid will flash and the meter reading will not be meaningful.

Measuring Slurries and Sludges
If the process fluid tends to coat or build-up on the bluff body, as in sludge and slurry service, this will eventually change the meter's K factor. Vortex-shedding flowmeters are not recommended for such applications. If, however, a dirty fluid has only moderate amounts of non-coating solids, the application is likely to be acceptable. This was demonstrated by a 2-year test on a limestone slurry. At the end of the test, the K factor was found to have changed only 0.3% from the original factory calibration, although the bluff body and flowtube were badly scarred and pitted.

Multiphase Flow Measurement
When measuring multi-phase flow (solid particles in gas or liquid; gas bubbles in liquid; liquid droplets in gas), vortex meter accuracy will drop because of the meter's inability to differentiate between the phases. Wet, low-quality steam is one such application: the liquid phase should be homogeneously dispersed within the steam, and vertical flow lines should be avoided to prevent slugging. When the pipe is horizontal, the liquid phase is likely to travel on the bottom of the pipe, and therefore the inner area of the pipe should be kept open at the bottom. This can be achieved by installing the bluff body horizontally. Measurement inaccuracy in such applications is about 5% of actual flow, but with good repeatability.

Installation Requirements and Recommendations 

Determine the Right Size
When installing a vortex flowmeter in an existing process where the flow range is not known, it is recommended to first make some approximate measurements (using portable pitot or clamp-on ultrasonic devices). Otherwise, there is no guarantee that a line-size vortex meter will work at all.

Straight Pipe Requirement
The vortex meter requires a well-developed and symmetrical flow velocity profile, free from any distortions or swirls. This necessitates the use of straight up- and downstream piping to condition the flow. The straight length of pipe must be the same size as the meter and its length should be about the same as required for an orifice installation with a beta ratio of 0.7. Most vortex flowmeter manufacturers recommend a minimum of 30 pipe diameters downstream of control valves, and 3 to 4 pipe diameters between the meter and downstream pressure taps. Temperature elements should be small and located 5 to 6 diameters downstream.

About half of all vortex meter installations require the "necking down" of oversized process piping by concentric reducers and expanders. Even if flow straighteners are installed, some straight (relaxation) piping will still be required.

Full-Pipe Requirement
Vortex meters can be installed vertically, horizontally, or at any angle, as long as they are kept flooded. The meter can be kept flooded by installing it in a vertical upward flow line. When installing the flowmeter in a downward or horizontal flow, the downstream piping should be kept elevated. Check valves can be used to keep the piping full of liquid when there is no flow. Block and bypass valves are required if the replacement of the sensor in the particular design requires the stopping of the flow and the opening up of the process.

Precautions on the Flange Connection
Mating flanges (on the schedule 40 or schedule 80 mating piping) must have the same diameter and smooth bore as the flowmeter. Weld neck flanges are preferred, and reducing flanges should not be used. The inner surface of the mating pipe should be free from mill scale, pits, holes, reaming scores and bumps for a distance of 4 diameters upstream and 2 diameters downstream of the meter. The bores of the meter, the gaskets and the adjacent piping must be carefully aligned to eliminate any obstructions or steps.

Pipe Vibration
Excessive pipe vibration can be eliminated by supporting the piping on both sides of the meter, or by rotating the meter so that the sensor is moved out of the plane of the vibration. Process noise due to valve chattering, steam traps, or pumps can result in high readings or non-zero readings under zero-flow conditions. Most meter electronics allow for increasing the noise filter settings, but increased noise reduction usually also decreases the low-flow sensitivity of the meter. One option is to relocate the meter to a less noisy part of the process.

Turbine Flow Meter
Applications & Limitations 

Effect of Viscosity on Performance
Viscosity is the measure of a liquid’s resistance to flow. Kinematic viscosity is the ratio of the absolute viscosity to the specific gravity, usually expressed in centistokes (cs), where the resistance to flow is measured in square millimeters per second (mm2/s).

Viscosity has two distinct effects on the rotor of turbine meter. First, the profile causes boundary layer thickness to increase as viscosity increases for a fixed volume. This means that rotor-blade shape and length will be important in determining the K-factor as the flow around the blade tip region changes with respect to viscosity. This boundary layer thickness causes the turbine flowmeter to be non-linear. Formation of a shroud around the turbine rotor, with the shroud outer diameter slightly smaller than the inside diameter of the flow tube, increases the viscosity and creates a drag (resistance to rotation). This drag offsets the non-linear effect of the boundary layer.

The second effect of viscosity is one of viscous shear-force change on the rotor and increased viscous drag within the bearing.

These effects act to slow the rotor while the profile effect acts to speed the rotor. The relative magnitude of all these forces changes the Reynolds number. As previously indicated, some turbine flowmeter designs introduce a device or shroud that introduces viscous drag, eliminating the hump that normally occurs in the transition region.

While linearity is affected by viscosity, repeatability is not.

The minimum flow rate of a turbine flow meter becomes a factor of viscosity versus the degree of accuracy. As product viscosity increases, the minimum flow rate required to maintain a specific degree of accuracy increases. The maximum rate of flow allowable becomes a factor of viscosity versus the pressure drop across the meter. As the product viscosity increases, the maximum flow rate decreases in accordance with the maximum allowable pressure drop across the meter. In order to arrive at the minimum and maximum rate of flow limits for a particular size and application, these factors must first be determined:

  • The viscosity of the product to be metered (or maximum value of viscosity for products with varying viscosity at 37.8B (100B F).
  • The degree of accuracy required.
  • The maximum amount of pressure drop allowed across the flowmeter.
Using an area-of-operation diagram for a particular turbine meter size and charting the factors for viscosity accuracy and pressure drop will determine the minimum and maximum flow rates. Operating the turbine meter within this flow range will meet the operating requirements unique to that application.